UNMISS to hold peace forum in Juba early October

UN Mission in South Sudan or UNMISS Civil Affairs Division is expected to conduct peace forum from first to third October in Juba, under the theme: ‘Our peace’.
UNMISS in a note CRN saw, says it is to support peace process by bringing stakeholders from states for dialogue with national leaders.
The event will focus on ways that national and sub-national actors can use their experience and influence to drive the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement.
It will feature interactive sessions on the status of the peace agreement as well as looking into into the detail of particular chapters
More than 60 participants including political, traditional and religious leaders, local authorities, displaced communities, women, youth and civil society organizations are anticipated to attend this second forum.
Representatives of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring Evaluation Commission and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development will also attend the forum.
UNMISS, UNDP, Finn Church Aid, CEPO, Center for Strategic and Policy Studies, South Sudan Council of Churches, Sudd Institute and leading academics from Juba University will facilitate the event.