UNICEF and partners launch handbooks for vulnerable kids in South Sudan

UNICEF and with its partners are on Thursday launching two guides to support vulnerable kids in South Sudan.
The first handbook is on ‘Practical Guide for The Socio Economic Reintegration of Girls Formerly Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups’ 
The second guide is ‘the Facilitator’s Manual for Psychosocial Support Activities in Child Friendly Spaces, Schools and Communities’ and the training manual designed to help children recover from stress, anxiety and trauma
Jean Lieby, UNICEF Chief of Child Protection, Regina Ossa Lullo, Acting Undersecretary for the Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare and Peter Garang Ngor, Director of Operations for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission will grace the occasion.
Dignitaries from the Ministry of General Education and NGOs will present the manual development processes, its importance and its key content and the guides.