Gok State Assembly reinstates impeached Speaker Veronica Philip

Gok State Legislative Assembly on Wednesday passed a resolution to reinstate its Speaker Veronica Umjuma Phillip Dak to her position following her impeachment by the same house.
According to Good News Radio, fourteen members convened an extraordinary session and unanimously removed the speaker on 30 July 2019.
The same Assembly members on September 25, 2019 conducted an ordinary session and also agreed for her reinstatement.
In a telephone interview on Thursday Umjuma appreciated the MPs for returning her to the position.
She expresses commitment to serve people of Gok State, Greater Lakes region and South Sudan as whole.
The speaker was accused of posting false information on the social media using the name of the Assembly, but she earlier claimed that her removal was politically motivated and was unlawful.
Gok State Assembly earlier this year approved a vote of no confidence to a number of government officials including Minister of Local Government, two commissioners and two MP.
The governor was unwilling to pass the decision of the assembly on the speaker.