Quality education must be address through teachers training

Quality education must be address through continuous training of teachers, said Hassan Urbano, Torit State Minister of Education.
According to Radio Emmanuel, he spoke while witnessing undergoing teachers training organized by government in collaboration with NCA and Stormy Foundation.
Minister Urbano said ‘this training, we mean it for sustainability of educational process so that we have been seeing that the quality Education must be address through training of the teachers’.
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John Sebit Andrea Lodu, Director for Teachers Development and Management Service in the Ministry of General Education said the training is for the third time which is now ongoing three years.
‘This training is here is to give refreshment to those teachers who were not trained before and usually in any training there are objectives for it and those objectives are to give us well qualified teachers who can manage their subjects in the classrooms and also in the community as such to me I see as a very important thing’, he stressed.
The speakers made the remarks to Radio Emmanuel on over the weekend.