UNDP trains Police and Social workers on SGBV in Torit

United Nation Development Program or UNDP is conducting a five days training on sexual gender based violence or SGBV to police and social workers in Torit town.
SGBV according to UNDP is a human right and public health issue with long term effects on the survivors, Radio Emmanuel reports.
Phiona Marine an officer working with UNDP says the training aims at creating awareness on common types of violence against women while addressing several other cases.
‘We want to empower our target group with knowledge on how they can handle sexual gender based violence survivors. The police and social workers these are the main participants for the training, they normally handle SGBV survivors. It’s very important that they have knowledge of handling such cases.
Marine mentions that South Sudan records rampant cases of sexual gender based violence which is an obstacle to human health.
‘We move in the communities holding meetings on Sexual gender based violence. It’s not a secret to talk about SGBV it is there we know. What we do is talk to different actors to come together to share information with the people.’ 
The UNDP officer task social workers and the police to protect the people’s life in order to reduce issues related to Sexual gender based violence.