Commissioners’ forum on good governance starts in Rumbek

The eleven county commissioners of Western Lakes assembled on Wednesday to begin a three-day forum to promote good governance in the state.
According to Good news radio, the forum facilitated by OXFAM South Sudan in the state involves also includes local government officials and civil society organizations among other stakeholders.
OXFAM Country Director Ranjan Poudyal appreciates the government for allowing the peace partners to work in the state.
He says the project aims at empowering women, civil society organisation and local community on peace building and education in the country.
Poudyal also promises to continue supporting local government and civil society organizations in promotion of good governance in the state.
Stephen Mathiang Deng, Deputy Governor of Western Lakes State, appreciates OXFAM and partners for facilitating commissioners’ forum for three days in the state.
He urges commissioners and other stakeholders to be active and later practice what they will learn in three days meeting.
‘Local government and commissioners’ are closer bodies of the government to the community’, says the deputy governor.
Mathiang urges OXFAM and other partners to continue supporting commissioner’s forum and other trainings that promote good governance.