Yei women and youth start capacity building on peace

South Sudan Council of Churches in collaboration with Christian Aid is conducting a capacity building for women and youth on promoting peace in Yei River State.
Speaking to Radio Easter, South Sudan Council of Churches Program Officer, Richard Alole, explains that the training is to build the capacity of the young people and women to promote peace in their communities.
He mentions engagement of communities at different levels to rebuild, recover and have total dignity to participate in development programs in the country.
‘We organized training for women and youth with collaboration with Christian Aid. But for us as a council, we are just facilitating the training. The training is specifically to build the capacity of women and youth to promote peace within the communities. As you know that South Sudan has been suffering with a lot of issues, we are now trying to engage the communities at different level of the youth and women to build and recover and have their total dignity to participate in development programs in South Sudan’, says Alole.
The Program Officer clarifies that it is important to train women because they are peace makers.
Alole adds that women are good in bringing different communities together to address issues of conflict at the family and society level.
He says women can support their communities once they are given the capacity building.
The three-day training that started on Tuesday and is expected to end on Thursday brought together 35 participants.
Richard spoke to Radio Easter on Tuesday at ECSS guest house in Yei.