Martyrs Day is to remember freedom fighters’ efforts, say listeners

Listeners of Don Bosco Radio in Tonj State reveal that July 30th is the day to remember South Sudanese fallen heroes and heroines who sacrificed their blood for the country.
Dhal Manyar expresses happiness to all South Sudanese people for remembering martyrs who poured their blood for South Sudan freedom.
Captain Kuol Manyual, another caller, describes freedom fighters as fathers and mothers of the nation.
We should ask God to put them in His right hand and grant them eternal peace in heaven, he prays.
Kuol urges all citizens not to neglect the wounded heroes and heroines since they were the driving force during the liberation struggle.
Chol Migration appeals to the government to take good care of the disabled people who were wounded during the war.
The callers encourage peace promotion in the young country and discourage meaningless fighting.
They gave their message to Don Bosco Radio during the commemoration of the Martyr’s Days in Tonj.