Priest urges Christians to live new life

A Priest in the Catholic Diocese of Yei says Christians should live a new life according to Jesus Christ.
Fr Sabastian Pololo Enock tells faithful at Christ the King Cathedral that Christians are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit to be exemplary.
He calls on the faithful not to discriminate people.
‘We have been baptized in Christ, and now we live an exemplary life, like a sunlight which does not discriminate. We are done with the past and we live a new life in Christ. Christ is telling us, we have the opportunity to ask’, says Fr Sabastian.
Fr Pololo advises Christians to pray to God to achieve what they desire.
He also calls on people to be humble before God and ask the Holy Spirit to direct them where necessary.
‘What is demanded of you and I is that, we ask the gift of the Holy Spirit for God to grant us our needs. But before that, we humble ourselves before him, acknowledging His Greatness, being the Father, who has authority over us as His own creature, and we plead that He grant us our needs’, Fr Pololo urges Christians.
Fr Pololo was giving his homily on Sunday at Christ the King Cathedral in Yei.