Favour Africa Ministries International willing to build church in Kachipo land

Favour Africa Ministries International or FAMI is ready to start the foundation of Church in Kachipo land of Boma State near the border with Ethiopia.
The head of the team who travelled to remote areas of Kachipo Pastor Chad Sparks says the people there need church in order to change their bad ideologies to live in peace.
He urges the government to open roads in remote areas and provide security to protect civilians from unknown arm groups.
The country director of Favour Africa Ministries International, Carole Word, explains that their mandate is to construct churches in to far communities in South Sudan 
She adds that they also empowering women groups, provide children’s resources and promote adult education within communities.
Pastor Gabriel Juma Marial says their mission is to preach the gospel to those did not get the word of God before like Kacipo people