Governors urge people to live in peace

Three State Governors of Wau, Gogrial and Tonj are appealing to South Sudanese to live in peace and harmony.
Gogrial Governor Victor Atem Atem was speaking during a joined security committee meeting to set and design the structural and mechanism resolution of the last three states peace conference.
‘We are to design the mechanism of the implementation. That was our reason of being here. We have managed to put down twenty three resolutions passed by the three state community leaders, including chiefs, cattle camp leaders, youths from the cattle camp and from within the town. They sad together and agreed that there is no reason for the conflict and no cattle raiding should continue. It must stop’, the Governor reiterates.
Governor Atem says the meeting aims at bringing peace, unity and stabilize the security situation.
‘We said that the issue of the border is not our concern. It is not our mandate. So we want to maintain the security of our citizens to live free and together along the three bordering states, whether belonging to Gogrial, Wau or Tonj, they are all citizens of South Sudan and they should live in peace. So we are all after peace and our leaders should accept that what we are doing is a sample of our leadership’ he adds.
The officials made the remarks to Voice of Hope Radio at the Council Ministers.