Tonj governor witnesses oath taking of Mabior Yar Commissioner

The government of Tonj State witnessed the swearing in ceremony of newly appointed commissioner of new county.
Mathew Mathiang Magoordit appointed John Aru Cikom Ayei as the first commissioner of Mabior Yar County in the state, Don Bosco Radio reports.
He advises the commissioner to work hard in order to unite people of the state with other neighboring states and counties.
The governor notes that team work is necessary for the success of the task given to him.
Deputy Governor, Santino Ding Wek welcomed the new commissioner to the cabinet and advised him to be the eye of the government at county level.
Tonj Legislative Assembly Speaker, Mario Malok Longar instructs the new commissioner to be friend to youth and avoid listening to individual views.
The victory of the work is love and unity with local chiefs and youth of the area, he adds.
The officials talked to Don Bosco Radio during the oath taking in ceremony at secretariats office in Tonj.