Yei Catholic Diocese to join centenary occasion in Juba

The Catholic Bishop of Yei says the diocese will join the celebrations in Juba of the hundred years of the existence of the word of God.
Bishop Erkolano Lodu Tombe explains that the 100 years celebration brings dioceses of Yei and Torit together because in the past years they were one, Radio Easter reports. 
‘The Archdiocese of Juba is celebrating this centenary of the parish of Rajaf. The centenary of the archdiocese of Juba is also the centenary for the diocese of Torit and the dioceses of Yei. Torit and Juba dioceses were one, until Torit in 1983 became a diocese of its own. Yei was part of Juba. It was when the Diocese of Rumbek was created that Yei was taken from Juba and attached to Rumbek’ said Bishop Lodu.
After thirty three years, the Diocese of Yei became independent from Rumbek and it belongs to Rejaf according to the Catholic history, Bishop explains.
‘We are aware, 33 years ago now; this diocese was detached from Rumbek and became a diocese of its own, with a Bishop, the Clergy, with the rights and duties of a diocese in a Catholic Church all over the world. But Historically, we in Yei belongs to Rajaf diocese’.
The Bishop was addressing the congregation on Sunday at Christ the King Cathedral in Yei.