Managers did not follow right way to complain, says Secretary-General

Yei Managers of football clubs who submitted complaints to the South Sudan Local Football Association did not use right regulations in addressing their issues.
Secretary-General for South Sudan Local Football Association, Anthony John Lau told Radio Easter that the mangers used the stamp and the heading papers not recognized by the national office.
The official revealed that the managers quoted wrong article from wrong statues not that of South Sudan local football association SSLFA but that of SSFA.
South Sudan Local Football Association has been sending donation to 16 local football associations in South Sudan and requested them to open bank accounts.
He declared 4,000 USD was send to Yei Local Football Association including footballs, nets, computers, printers, but he doubted whether people are aware of the donation.
Radio Easter is yet to receive the respond from president of Yei Local Football Association over the allegation of the donation.