Tombura-Yambio Bishop expects Secretaries to portray vibrant parishes

The Catholic Bishop of Tombura-Yambio Diocese Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala expects parishes to be vibrant, united and a well-connected with the trained secretaries on the ground.
He anticipates a diocese that is effective in all its activities by providing basic services and pastoral supports to its community in the parishes.
Bishop Hiiboro says over the past 10 years there has been poor communications channel between parishes and the Curia administration.
Participant Romai Elias expresses gratitude for attending the training and terms it as huge opportunities for parish development.
He urges fellow secretaries to utilize the knowledge gained effectively with passion.
Diocesan Chancellor Fr. Ezekiel Sungerukuari, the facilitator of the training is confident that the trainees will deliver in their various parishes.
The two days training ended with award of certificates to participants and other secretarial materials on Thursday in Yambio.