Priest encourages Christians to get rid of corruption and nepotism

Fight corruption, favouritism and tribalism in South Sudan, Assistant Parish of St Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Catholic Diocese of Torit encourages believers.
Fr Taban David advises the faithful to embrace nationalism for speedy development of the country, radio Emmanuel reports.
According to Fr. Most non Governmental organization employ tribe mates in their offices which he criticize in strongest term saying deprived Country’s beauty and development
‘Let us build our nation, let us fight corruption, let us fight nepotism, tribalism, it is so sad when you move to some of our NGOs, you move to some of our NGOs they are being controlled by tribes you get one tribe running an organization, some people say this NGO is for Mr. X, it is for this tribe does NGO has a language or a tribe?’, he asks.
The Assistant Parish Priest calls on Christians to acknowledge and give thanks to God for the gift of peace in the country is currently witnessing.
He advises the congregation to stop grabbing people’s belongings, but rather share little belongings with the needy to enter the kingdom of God.
The priest encourages Christians to tell the truth and the truth will set them from all sins.
Fr Taban David was preaching to the faithful during the Pentecost mass on Sunday.