Diocesan Coordinator confirms 13 catechumens on Pentecost in Rumbek

Catholic Diocesan Coordinator of Rumbek on Pentecost Sunday confirmed thirteen catechumens who completed their catechetical instructions.
Good News Radio quotes Monsignor John Mathiang Machol urging the new candidates to be the light and ambassadors of Christ to others by proclaiming his word without fear.
‘The power of Holy Spirit is fully with you through the Sacrament of Confirmation and should enable you to distinguish between good and bad’, he notes.
Monsignor Mathiang says the Holy Spirit is the helper of Christians who guides them to the right path.
Always allow the spirit of God to help in judgment, he advises the congregation.
The monsignor was preaching to the faithful on Pentecost Sunday at Holy Family Cathedral in Rumbek.