St Kizito Parish celebrates patron of the parish in Ngodakalla

St Kizito Parish in the Catholic Diocese of Wau commemorated Uganda Martyrs Day including St Charles Lwanga who died for the sake of proclaiming the word of God.
Voice of Hope Radio quoted Fr Santino Marino Morkomomo preaching that Sts Kizito and Lwanga died for truth and now there are many people who also gave their lives for the sake of other people.
Marino encourages believers to avoid the spirit of discrimination and tribalism because the agreement signed needs people to have love and unity among each other.
The priest appeals to the faithful to stand together for peaceful co-existence and follow the same example of St Kizito who died because of preaching God’s word.
Fr Marino was preaching during the feast of Uganda Martyrs Day at Ngodakalla in Wau.