Former Peace and reconciliation Advisor ready for new assignment

The Former Peace and Reconciliation Advisor expressed readiness for the new job in the next government if given a chance.
Elizabeth Poth Dumic, who resigned a day after John Deng was appointed as governor of Western Lakes State confirmed that she will contribute positively to advise the governor.
She explained the she had personal differences with Deng Mamer.
In an exclusive interview with Good News Radio on Sunday said she was accompanying the new as SPLM member and MP in Western Lakes State Assembly.
Poth explained that she had a misunderstanding with former governor which resulted in her resignation from the government.
She stressed that she had not resigned from SPLM party, but from the government of John Deng Mamer.
The removal of Deng Mamer has returned those who felt out with him including Marik Nanga, Dut Makoi and the released of former director-general in the Ministry of Finance.