Have strong faith in God to succeed in life, listeners tell people

The callers of Don Bosco Radio in Tonj on Wednesday called on Christians to have faith in God to have success in their lives.
Rafiki Monyluek Mahnom said good Christians surrender their lives only to God and trust in Him. 
He condemned the habit of joining evil groups like illuminate in order for fame or richness.
‘Let us not serve two masters at ago, but God should be our master for life internal”, he notes.
Another caller, Moses Tek Wek encouraged Christians to have great faith and imitate the character of Christ.
Kuel Madut Kuel requested the faithful to attend daily prayers in the church to experience the love and protection of God through the Eucharist.
He discouraged Christians to avoid evil doing which are against God like stealing, fighting, divorce, bribery, corruption and embezzlement of public funds in offices.
‘Christians must humble themselves and promote peace, unity, love among themselves for lasting happiness in the country”, he advises.
The callers made their comments over the phone call during Morning Breakfast program on Don Bosco Radio in Tonj.