Alfred’s death untimely due to many incomplete things, says National Dialogue

Death of Alfred Taban is not timely because the country still needs his services, the Chairperson of the National Dialogue Committee told lawmakers and mourners at the National Legislative Assembly on Friday.
He characterizes Alfred to be a symbol that cannot be replaced.
Anthony Lino Makana Speaker of the House says Alfred Taban served South Sudan diligently, was gentle at heart, kind and a visionary leader who fought for all people of the Sudan and the young country.
Daniel Awet Akot, an elder in Assembly, describes Alfred as a man of confidence and dedication and believes on the truth and will be remembered for telling the truth.
People of Jubek State have been saddened by the death of Alfred Taban, laments Francis Latiyu, Deputy Governor of Jubek State.
He stresses that Taban was a liberator and struggler and did many things during the liberation struggle that resulted into the independence of South Sudan.
Mary Puru who represents Kajo-Keji MPs in the National Parliament consoles the family for missing Alfred Taban. And that the late MP left many vacuums in the National Legislative Assembly as a good leader.
Alfred Taban participated in writing Media Bills which became Media Laws, testifies Edward Lodu Terso; UJOSS General Secretary.
Eva Luba Alfred, daughter of the late media hero who also is journalist, says the memories of their father mostly his services to the country and the world will live forever in their minds.
She tells her mother that their father left behind to support her five good soldiers, referring to her brothers and sisters.
The late legend of free media in South Sudan who used to say ‘Be brave, tell the truth and always pray’ died on April 27, in Nakasero Hospital in Kampala, Uganda.
He was flown to Juba in Kenyan Airways on Thursday and paid respect by fellow MPs on Friday, flown to Kajo-Keji in military helicopter where his body was laid to final rest.