Torit State government on Tuesday revealed plans to meet landlords of Magwi and Torit West Counties to discuss and identify their ancestral boundaries.
GovernorAlberio Tobiolo speaking during a community dialogue says his government will reach the grassroots to discuss peaceful ways of settling land disputes among communities of Agoro of Magwi and Ofiriha of Torit West County.
He calls on communities and county authorities to follow and respect their traditional border points.
Leone Otwari, chairperson of Ofiriha community in his statement calls for peaceful co-existence among neighboring communities.
He cautions county and state authorities to look and respect community demands as the only way of settling disputes.
Meanwhile Langoya Tito, chairperson of Acholi communities appeals to the two communities to follow history and respect ancestral boundaries.
On April 16 Ofiriha communities accompanied by Torit West County appeals to the state government to address the ongoing border dispute between their Payam of Torit West County and Agoro Payam of Magwi County in Torit State.
The speakers were speaking during a community dialogue on land boundary at SPLM secretariat in Torit on Tuesday.