‘We need to turn political statements into action on health’, says official

‘There is more to be done in health sector, we need to turn political statements into action, according to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health.
Makur Matur Kariom calls for more investment on reproductive health to encourage and motivate donors.
He points out that South Sudan since 2014 did not procure medicines and the essential ones have been reduced from 200 to 73.
Dr Matur appeals that the budget of the ministry of Health should be the top of the five priorities in every government’s budget.
The Humanitarian Coordinator Alain Noudehou says challenges are many and need more attention for family planning, maternal mortality, gender-based violence and harmful practices such as forced and early child marriage.
He urges the parties who signed the peace agreement to remain engage and ensure the implementation is successful and completed.
The coordinator vows that the UN will be committed to support the revitalised agreement and continue delivering aid to South Sudan citizens to secure lasting peace.
The officials were speaking on Monday during the launch of the State of World Population 2019 Report by UN Population Fund in South Sudan.
The report is about the pursuit of rights of choices for all and the barriers that women and girls have faced along the way.