IDPs in Riimenze Gbudue states lack basic needs

The Parish Priest of Our Lady of Assumption in Riimenze says Internally Displaced Persons or IDPs in Rimenze lack basic needs.
Fr. Victor Babie appeals to the parties to implement the agreement so that the IDPs may return to their various places.
In response to that, the commissioner of Bangasu County Anthony Sanangore, requests the ministry of Agriculture to give tools and seeds to the IDPs, so that they can go back to cultivate. 
IDP representative Paulina Otoniel says they are afraid of going back to their houses because there are still forces in the bush.
The IDPs are calling on the government and the opposition to be committed to the peace agreement. 
The speakers made these remarks in Riimenze during the visit of the speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and Gbudue State Governor.