Limur multipurpose water project suspended until further notice

Limur/Nyimur multi-purpose water project an initiative of Nile equatorial lakes subsidiary action program coordination unit or NELSAP-CU has been suspended until further notice.
Torit state deputy governor Dr Margret Itoo told reporters that the resolution to suspend the project after consultative meeting held in Juba about the project.
State Minister of physical infrastructure Tito Langoya, says Limur project would have affected Nimule Game Park however the decision to suspend it will allow stability in greater Magwi counties.
John Ochan Bongomin says the people of Magwi need to be consulted before the project implantation.   
In May 2018, Acholi community wrote to the undersecretary in the national ministry of water resources and irrigation rejecting the Limur/ Nyimur multipurpose water project implementation.