Independent Boundaries Commission work starts in Juba

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development or IGAD says the Independent Boundaries Commission or IBC started it work after completing a two-day meeting in Juba.
The meeting aimed at considering the number of states in South Sudan, their boundaries and their composition and restructuring of the Council of States.
IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan Ambassador Ismail Wais established the Commission on Monday.
The Committee is chaired by Ambassador Thembi Majola of South Africa and consists of four other members from the African Union High Level Ad Hoc Committee on South Sudan.
Five representatives from the government, two from the SPLM/A-IO, and one each from the South Sudanese Opposition Alliance Former Detainees and the Other Political Parties 
IBC is expected in the coming days to receive and consider a report from the Technical Boundary Committee tasked to define and demarcate tribal areas of South Sudan according to 1 January 1956, and dispute tribal areas in the country.
It is expected to consult with various stakeholders, and other South Sudanese as well as experts.
The IBC is expected to continue its work to the end of the Pre-Transitional period and submit its report to IGAD to be put in the revitalized.