Secretary of media launches football tournament

The secretary of media, culture, youth and sports is launching football tournament at the end of March in the Nuba Mountains.
Yasir Abdurahim Abass told Voice of Peace Radio that the event is dedicated to the memorial of late hero Yousif Kuwa.
He says ten teams are qualified to take part in the round tournament on 15th of March.
The secretary says a committee has been formed to run the activities under the leadership of the director of youth and sports, Musa Abdurahim.
He adds that other tournaments will be played in other Payams after the opening in Kauda playground.
Abdurahim mentions that 31st of March is commemoration of Yousif Kuwa which will mark the completion of football tournament, marathon of about 400 meters, wrestling and other sports.
Secretary Yasir calls on supporters of football and community to collaborate with all teams involved in the event.