Love and value your cultures, manager tells communities

The manager for Culture, Diversity and Outreach in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio is calling on communities to love and value their cultures.
Sylvester Ruati describes cultures as identity of every community and people should not ignore them for things that can mislead them highly developed.
He adds that if people are not supporting things that go with their cultures it means they are losing dignity.
Ruati discloses that the Diocese is planning to establish diversity center where all the tribes within the Diocese will expose their traditional items.
He appreciates Tombura-Yambio Catholic Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala for doubling his effort to support cultures in the diocese.
Culture, Diversity and outreach is one of the departments in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio dealing with cultures, arts and craft, and entertainments like comedy and many others.
Ruati was speaking on Wednesday to Anisa Radio in Yambio.