ECSSS primate installs new Anglican Archbishop of Western Equatoria

The Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan installed the newly elected Archbishop of Western Equatorial Internal Province on Sunday after his election.
Speaking during his installation ceremony Archbishop Samuel Enosa Peni says Christians should resist from worshipping idles.
He appeals to the government, church leaders and Christians to be close to him for the good work in the ministry of God 
Archbishop of Sudan and South Sudan Justin Badi Arama urges the new Archbishop to be a leader who can move the immovable.
The Western Equatorial Internal Province has been without a Bishop for four months after the death of the late Archbishop Peter Munde on 27th October 2018
The installation was attended by Bishop Hiiboro, Anglican Archbishops, Government officials and Christians from different religious on Sunday at Tiimbiro ECSS diocese