Tombura-Yambio Catholic Bishop calls for respect to life

The Catholic Bishop of Tombura-Yambio is calling on Christians to respect life and human dignity and be responsible for the things they use individually and in the community.
Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala says this Lenten season should bring positive change and attitude among the people at all levels.
The Bishop invites people to plant Coffee seedlings during this Easter that will be beneficial for the next generations.
He invites all priests in the 27 parishes in the Diocese to take up the initiative to plant more coffee trees.
Fr. Luiz Nvuekama, Parish Priest of St. Mary Yambio Parish presided over the Blessing ceremony of the Bishop’s new car and another car for the proposed Catholic University branch in Yambio.
Fr. Nvuekama calls on Diocesan personnel to use all means they have for charitable work that benefit everyone and care for it.
The ceremony ended with the blessing of the Bishop’s office and his Cathedral seat.