Director-General hands over one bore hole to residential area in Tonj

The Director-General of the Ministry of Water and Rural Development in Tonj State on Saturday handed over one borehole to the communities living in Hai Matar area after been controlled by the government for two years.
According to Radio Don Bosco, Moses Muor Lol advices the communities to use the water facility as their own.
Muor formed a committee of five people who will follow up closely with the facility and report to the ministry.
The ministry will work hard to increase more boreholes to put a limit to the shortage of water that is facing people in the area, he adds
Mariak Anyuon Deng the area head Hai Matar thanked the ministry of water for their support to the communities.
He urged the communities to co-operate with the committee that was selected to take control of the water facility.
Achol Mary Ater one of the residents of the area appreciates the the ministry of water for the good initiative which will improve the water shortage facing the communities.
‘Fighting that usually occurs at the borehole spot because of shortage will reduce now that more boreholes have been added’ she adds.
Achol calls for respect from her fellow residents and avoid mis-management of the water facility
The speakers made the remarks in an interview with Don Bosco Radio on Saturday in Tonj.