UNMISS trains over 30 police personnel on child protection in Kuajok

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan or UNMISS t in Kuajok trained about 37 individuals on child protection within Tonj town late this week.
The most important thing a policeman or woman must do is to intervene, arrest the perpetrator and send the victim to hospital for checkup and treatment, explains UNMISS Police Officer Don Bosco Radio report.
After police investigations the victim should be sent to court, she adds.
The officer urges the participants to avoid the violation of the rights of a victim such as right for material, medical, psychological and social assistance.
The victim also has rights to privacy therefore, one should not discuss what happened to the victim with his/her family, she states.
The officer also remarked that a policeman or woman must be fair to everyone whether relative or not so that his/her work can be smart.
Victor Bol, a youth representative stresses out the good things that they have learned during the training.
He urges all participates to put what they have learned into practice especially in their respective places.
The speakers made the remarks to Don Bosco radio after training at police campus in Tonj.