Catholic Bishops Urge for True Peace

The South Sudan Catholic Bishops urge for true peace to prevail across South Sudan as part of the Revitalized Agreement signed in September 2018.
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Juba,  says despite the signing of peace agreement by the warring parties violence still continue in some parts of the country and the value of human life and dignity is forgotten.
‘Human rights abuses occurring with impunity and the church stand with the poor.’
Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro says the economic hardship remains and the peace isn’t true lasting peace according to the gospel of Jesus.
The Archbishop pointed out that politics is not the only solution for the conflict in the country, but conversion, the change of heart will bring that peace.
He advises the parties to unite and show political will, act against the spoilers within their ranks and promotes democratic rights and freedom of speech.
His Grace added that the media role should be recognised to examine and avoid the conflict that occurred in past years.
The Archbishop says that channels of communication with individual groups who have not signed the peace deal should be opened.
The Catholic Bishops address the media in Juba on Thursday immediately after ending their three days meeting for the South Sudan Catholic Bishops Secretariet.