UNFPA appeals for 18.3 million dollars for health of women in South Sudan

The United Nations Population Fund or UNFPA launched its global Humanitarian Action Overview 2019 to appeal for 536 million Dollars to reach 35 million women, girls and young people in 64 countries including South Sudan.
In South Sudan, UNFPA is to raise 18.3 million dollars for 2019 to address the special needs of vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, affected by the continuing humanitarian crisis in the country.
Out of the 7 million people affected by the crisis, UNFPA aims to reach some 2 million people with services for sexual and reproductive health and prevention and management of gender-based violence.
‘Women do not stop giving birth during conflicts and disasters, and the risk of gender-based violence increases in such settings,’ said UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem.
‘Women and girls are especially vulnerable in this situation and safe shelter, social services and support networks says UNFPA Country Representative Mary Otieno.
‘Targeted support to women and girls affected by crises will ensure the health, security and well-being of families, communities and the entire country’, she said.