NPA Secretary General appeal for Equal representation of women in South Sudan

The Secretary- General for Norwegian People’s Aid is appealing for equal representation of women in South Sudan.
Henriette Killi Westhrin says the country has a long way to go for equal society representation because in most of the official meetings is dominated by men.
Westhrin, told journalists that South Sudan needs time to consider women’s rights.
She adds that’s NPA projects will tackle on supporting women in terms of economic independency.
Killi encourages women to play a role in the implementation of the peace process and they should be part of the political positions.
Humanitarian worker Diana Iman Thomas says women would have a huge role play in the implementation of the peace process because some have strong academic qualification.
She adds that society does not allow women to discuss serious issues with men on one table. 
The speakers talked on Tuesday during the visit of the Secretary-General of Norwegian People’s Aid to Juba.