Governor forms investigation committee on Nazareth 2018 incident

Wau State Governor issued state order for the formation of investagetion committee on Nazareth incident which occured on December 24, 2018 between the police and national security in which some presonnel were seriously injured.
According to Voice of Hope Radio, the committee comprises of State Advisor for security Dominic Emilio Bafuka as chairperson, and State Legal Advisor Sebit Dunia as Secretary.
The committee members included Lieutenant Colonel Deng John Akot  police, Major Alameldin Sebit Ramadan, Lieutenant, Deng Athup Yaac.
The governor stated that the mandate of committee is to investigate the root causes of the incidence and find out all the circumstances which led to the incident.
The committe shall present its fact finding within 14 days from the date of this order 
Governor directs the investigation committee to take nessary action to implement  the order.