SPLA-IO commander pledges their support for peace ‘

The SPLA IO Commanders of division six from Besselia County of Wau state says they are in for peace.
Brigadier General Peter Angoli states that he has come to Wau town with his team to confirm to citizens that the IO forces in Besselia County are for Peace
He calls on people to know that there will be no more conflict in the State 
Governor Angelo Taban biajo said the State government has completed the process of trust building between Government and IO forces in Wau state
He mentions all the IO forces have visited the State and this is a sign of true peace between the two parties. 
Governor Angelo Taban appeal to the IO and government forces in Wau town to allow citizens to go back to their homes to prepare for farming ahead of rainy season. 
The two leaders were speaking at State council of ministers in Wau