CRS concludes trauma awareness training for CRN journalists

Catholic Relief Services or CRS on Wednesday concluded the training of Journalists of Catholic Radio Network or CRN on stress management, trauma awareness and resilient in Juba.
CRS tells the participants that they have a bigger responsibility to disseminate trauma information to communities to bring positive change in South Sudan.
CRN Director Mary Ajith Goch thanks Fr Paul Boyle of Albain Institute who facilitated the training of CRN reporters and presenters.
She advises the participants to be disciples of trauma awareness for peace, prosperity and united South Sudan.
Ajith tells the presenters and reporters to go back and spread positive messages of trauma for South Sudan to be a trauma-free country.
The director urges CRS to pay attention to trauma in the young country.
Maura Metbeni Ajak on behalf of the participants appreciates CRS and facilitator, Fr Boyle for a huge change which according to her came at the right time.
She says they learnt a lot from the five-day course that will benefit CRN listeners and the whole country.
The participant calls for more similar trainings to support peace implementation in the country.
The five-day training brought together 12 reporters and presenters from the stations and three from CRN Coordination Centre in Juba.