South Sudan experiences change through media, listeners reveal

The listeners of Don Bosco Radio stressed that media houses in South Sudan have brought some changes in the promotion of peace deal in the country.
James Malok a caller from Western Lakes mentioned that media houses especially radios brought changes and hope on the progress of the country.
He added that all the media outlets in south Sudan are playing a great role in the implementation of revitalized peace agreement recently signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Malok also appealed to government officials to make good use of media houses and urged journalists to be impartial in reporting their stories.
Deng Angok, another regular caller stressed that he likes the educative programs and news broadcasted over the radios.
He added that if citizens learn lessons from all educative programs played at the TV and radio stations then peace and stability will prevail in the country.
A caller popularly known as Chol Migration encouraged media houses to focus on news and programs which proclaim peace and reconciliation among communities.
He added that media outlets should seriously target programs about vulnerable people and how to restore peace in the country.
He believes that processes of installing everlasting peace require media houses to sensitize and mobilize communities.
The speakers made their remarks during Morning Tea Live Program on Friday in Tonj.