Community Animals Health workers should save lives of livestock

The specialist of livestock’s in Tambura state is urging Community Animals Health workers to save lives of animals because South Sudan’s economy is based on agriculture and livestock’s keeping
The call comes after 21 community animal health workers were trained on how to minimize the risk of disease outbreak among the community to improve livelihood which was organized by star trust organization
 Samson Jeremiah Zingbondo specialist of livestock says his organization is working tirelessly to address the issue of goats, cattle’s and chickens dying in mass due to poor health
Samson mentions that some years back, they carried an assessment to know which livestock’s individuals can keep and what the economic importance of animals in the society is 
 He says after the assessment they realized that livestock keeping help communities in food security and it’s a source of income generating activities where parents can pay school fees for their kids
He explains that currently they are doing review in order to conduct mass vaccination in seven counties, Ibba, Maridi, Yambio, Nzara, Ezo, Tambura and Nagero for the safety of livestock in great western Equatoria region