Elections should not be source of quarrels among journalists, says NPA

Elections that will take place on Friday afternoon should not be source of quarrels among Journalists, Norwegian People’s Aid or NPA Civil Society Development Program officer advises South Sudan media members.
Jacob Atem on Thursday during end of term general assembly meeting in Juba urged all members of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan or UJOSS to focus on the election of strong leaders to maintain the body.
The assembly was under the theme: ‘Towards a diverse, free and safe journalism in South Sudan’.
Atem told journalists to be strong, united and work together for better South Sudan.
The first day of the general assembly witnessed UJOSS general administrative and financial reports.
Journalists amended the constitution of the Union in the second day including membership and annual subscription fees.
The general assembly resolved that the tenure of the office of the executive committee will be five years, with annual general assembly.
The assembly also agreed that UJOSS will not be part of AMDISS, but will be a partner and work in solidarity for free media in the country.