Group of dancers to promote peace through activities in different towns

A group of dancers in Tonj town who went to Thiet County on Sunday have revealed that their aim is to promote peace among communities in the area.
One of the initiators Victor Bol Kon says the purpose of the event is to unite youth from different areas and to spread peace message to the people in various counties. Don Bosco Radio Reports
He explains that peace has many channels to reach the communities not only on special days.
Bol says such activities will help build the capacity of the youth in the country.
One community member Gum Deng Akoi, appreciates the dancers for organizing a program concerning peace.
He encourages them to continue with the spirit and ensure that the program reaches the cattle camps.
Don Bosco radio’s effort to reach government official were in vain.
The speakers made the remarks in an interview to Don Bosco Radio on Monday in Tonj.