National Ministry of Health trains journalists on reporting on Ebola

The Ministry of Health in collaboration with World Health Organization or WHO and other partners are organizing three-day training in Juba on reporting on Ebola and other health emergencies.
The training planned to take place from November 20 to 22 aims to build capacity of journalists on health emergencies, public health, nutrition and water and sanitation.
The course will also touch on experiences in reporting on Ebola and skills for identifying gaps in the relations between media and health sectors.
The journalists will witness the overview of ongoing disease outbreak in South Sudan and country preparedness for public health emergencies and the role of the media.
In the training, reporters will learn principles of engagement especially with vulnerable communities as sources of information during Ebola coverage.
They will also be taught selection of topics for story writing on Ebola and skills to identify trusted sources of important information.
The journalists who will undergo the three-day training were oriented on Ebola earlier in Juba.