Police confirms three rape cases in Kumbur Payam in Nuba Mountains

Police officer of Kumbur Payam in Heiban County confirms a record three rape cases in two months.
Speaking to Voice of Peace Radio, Musa Bashir says a 10 year old girl was raped in Komu village last week.
The little girl is now receiving medication while the culprit is in custody. 
Bashir also adds that a 19 year old raped a boy last month. He further says they are also investigating the case of a thirty year old man who had sex with a goat in Gidel village.
The officer mentions that such practices were rare in the community, but now children are falling victims of such immoral acts.
Bashir thinks that such acts are related to drugs influence, urging the community to stop immoral behaviours.
The police officer calls on rape survivors to report to the nearest police station or to a relative for evidence and investigation.
Clip 3 Rape
The officer advices parents to think about the safety of their children wherever they go.