JHR concludes a Human Rights journalism training in Rumbek South Sudan

Journalists for Human Rights or JHR training on human rights and conflict reporting has ended in Rumbek. Funded by Global Affairs Canada, it attracted staff and volunteers of Good-news radio.
A participant William Laat says the training was good and beneficial. He says it will help him and his colleagues to do their work professionally, especially on reporting human rights and conflict related issues.
JHR Media Trainer Alpha Kamara says he is in the state to train journalists of Good News Radio on ethical and human rights reporting in a professional way.
The trainer urges the public not to see journalists as enemies but friends who are helping the community to disseminate peace and reconciliatory messages.
Director of Good News Radio, Fr Andrea Osman appreciates JHR for organizing the training, adding the knowledge he gained during the course of the session has open his mind on how to help the radio to report the current peace process and its related issues. He called on his staff to maximise the knowledge gained. 
The week long training in Rumbek is part of the Journalists for Human Rights JHR capacity building processes for reporters of the Catholic Radio Network CRN in South Sudan.