Youth should own the signed peace, says information minister

The Minister of Information in Gbudue State is urging the youth in Nzara County to own the peace agreement the government and opposition parties signed.
Anisa Radio quoted Hussein Enoka Ibrahim Bakunba addressing a crowd of young people during the commissioner’s football tournament in Nzara to own and implement it.
He adds that people should disseminate the signed peace wherever they are and ensure that they live in harmony.
Enoka urges the youth of Nzara not to engage themselves into criminal activities like rape, theft among others
 However, Nzara County Commissioner Moses Samson Kpoti requested the governor of Gbudue State to extend more vocational centres to Nzara to ensure that the youth acquire skills.
He adds that the youth need to learn more skills that will help them to avoid engaging in criminal thoughts and activities.
The speakers made remarks during the launch of Commissioner’s Football tournament in Nzara on Sunday.