Priest urges Christians to pray for Missionaries

The priest in the Catholic Diocese of Torit is calling on believers to pray for strength among missionaries who are endlessly serving the nation.
Father Anthony Ubeo Gilo says Comboni Missionaries exerted more efforts to establish churches in South Sudan, Radio Emmanuel reports.
‘Let us pray for our missionaries especially Comboni Missionaries who are the first to introduce Christian religion in South Sudan, all our former parishes they are the one who established, the churches in Sudan is built by Comboni missionaries to meet public interest, let us pray for them that God should strengthen their life, strengthen their faith, give them wisdom to continue preaching the word of God and all the priests in our Country that they make be able to renew their faith, renew their life in serving people’, he pleads.
According to Father Ubeo, praying for missionaries will increase understanding and
preaching of the Gospel.
He encourages Christians to put the word of God into practice to end killing and corruption among South Sudanese.
‘So that we can move together as one because our country is not stable where are we going, to heaven with Jesus Christ and nobody will remain behind but let’s move together to the will of God, let us pray today for the souls of missionaries, for the souls of our priest and our own souls especially our South Sudan because most of us are believers but we don’t have strong faith that is why there is killing, corruption, exploitation in our country because we are still young in religion, the religion we have not entered our lives’, the priest notes.
Father Ubeo was preaching during Arabic Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Torit on Sunday.