CTSAMM enlightens people on revitalized peace in Gbudue State

The Ceasefire Transition Security Arrangement Monitoring Mechanism or CTSAMM in Yambio conducted a one-day workshop to enlightens people on the revitalized peace agreement in Gbudue State.
The workshop was under the theme: ‘Peace for all and all for peace’.
CTSAMM team leader Colonel Johnson Niwamanya says the workshop is a confidence bridge measurers on the agreement signed in Ethiopia.
He calls on opposition and government forces to adhere and respect to the articles of the agreement.
Gbudue State Advisor on Gender Peace and Reconciliation Nora Zangabeu says only peace can unite the oppositions with government.
She urges all South Sudanese to welcome the opposition with one heart as they return home.
The workshop was conducted on Thursday in Yambio, Gbudue State.