DARD conduct CSOs’ Community Awareness meeting on citizens’ Rights

Disable Association for Rehabilitation & Development or DARD in partnership with Oxfam has conducted one day Civil Society Organizations and community awareness on citizens’ rights.
Mr. Manguak Majuong who is DARDs’ governance project officer told the press on Wednesday that project aims at improving citizens’ rights in order to enhance government accountability.
The one day CSOs’ Community awareness will also review and promote the roles of CSOs, Education and Local government agencies plays in protecting citizens’ rights in the state, he said.
Mr. Majuong added that ten 10 schools including one secondary in both grater Rumbek centre and greater Rumbek East will benefits from the new governance and peace building project.
Oxfam Governance project officer Isaac Majier Majok encourages all stakeholders involved in the project to actively participate during the four years of its implementation.
‘This is the time that our community need to wake up, held their leaders accountable of their actions by asking their leaders to provides service to the people’, he adds.
Majier reveal that DARD & Oxfam will always works hand in hand with all stakeholders involves to carryout community and authority dialogues in the state.
The participants who have attended the forum recommended DARD & Oxfam to conduct community awareness on citizens’ rights and the implementation of the laws. 
Governance project is being supported by Oxfam through funding from the government of Demark and implemented by DARD South Sudan.