Over 30 people graduate with different skills in Wau

DORCAS Relief and Development Organization graduated Thirty-eight people living with disabilities in Wau with various skills.
According to Voice of Hope Radio, European Union or EU supported the graduation ceremony.
EU representative Kenyi Kilombo says his agency is working to help increase the employment opportunities through vocational training for people living with disabilities.
Kilombo stresses the need to educate people living with disabilities to reduce vulnerability, making them independent.
The representative mentions that the training is an opportunity to people living with disabilities to make good use of the knowledge they have acquired.
‘DORCAS skills for work project, a golden opportunity to vulnerable people, especially young people and women to learn and cater for their families’, Kenyi Kilombo elaborates.
He also called on various NGOs to empower the people living with disabilities to generate income for themselves.
The graduates were from bakery, tailoring, agriculture and computer literacy.